Client FAQ

Q: If I am already using Zealy, Galaxy, and Layer3, what benefits do I get from Alphadrops?
Quest marketing is to Web3 as Email marketing is to Web2. Traditional Quest platforms are great at attracting bounty hunters but every AlphaDrops partner get’s their own unique campaign infrastructure targeted at directly reaching, engaging and amplifying your ideal audience around your ecosystem. Don’t blend in with the rest. It’s time to stand out. Other platforms are a great starting point and we recommend leveraging them all to grow your audience but every ecosystem looking to achieve their desired results should have their own bespoke campaign design and infrastructure which is what AlphaDrops helps create for our partners.
Q: Why allow Alphadrops to distribute a portion of our airdrop allocation to our users?
Not only the vast majority of airdrops wasted - the current distribution standard has a net negative impact on the project’s sustainability, valuation and progression.

It is now well established that the majority of airdrop campaigns are manipulated by airdrop farms,multi accounts and bots with single ‘participants’ having up to 5,000 wallets in non uncommon scenarios.

1.Bots rapidly offload airdropped tokens, heightening selling pressure.
2.Reduced post-airdrop excitement due to value being drained by malicious actors.
3.More value could have been allocated to genuine community members to enhance engagement.
4.There’s a risk of community dissatisfaction if an airdrop is perceived as unfairly distributed or exploited by bots.

We start off every campaign with the 3 fundamental questions of

Who deserves to be rewarded?
What should be the basis for determining the rewards?
How will this basis be assessed to distribute tokens to genuine contributors?

Furthermore our campaigns are designed to be sustainable and ongoing. If it works why would you end it? This is not a one off hype campaign. This is aligned and sustainable incentive driving growth where key value added actions and participants are recognised and rewarded accordingly.
Q: As an Blockchain, can we create specialized quests that incorporate our ecosystem apps ?
Yes. Dream big. We'll bring it to reality.
Q: Will Alphadrops create an individualized theme for each client's Quest Map ?
Q: Will we be able to update the Quest Map as new developments take place that we want to incorporate ?
Yes. Your campaign is designed to be reflective of real world and ever-changing and dynamic. This leads to enhanced ongoing evergreen engagement and is something we align around to continuously progress towards your key targets.
Q: Do we have access to all the data that you will be gathering?
Yes, we will build your desired analytics and reporting infrastructure.
Q: Will you keep our client data confidential ?
Yes, we are one of the very few regulated projects that adheres to strict compliance mandates.  You own your data.